How Whey Protein Reverse Muscle Loss in Aging?

The study I am citing today hails from the McMaster Institute for Research on Aging, at McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario. It was published on July 18, 2017, in The Public Library of Science One Open Access Journal. This human study of men 70 plus years old showed the value of using a whey protein […]

Nutrition and Lifestyle Practices Reduces Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

The research I am citing today was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on February 21, 2017. The review paper examined whether or not lifestyle modification has an impact on the recurrence of breast cancer and overall survival rates of women who have been treated for breast cancer.  The results are quite encouraging and […]

Alcohol and Prostate Cancer

The research I’m citing today was published in the journal, Biomedical Sciences – Cancer Research, in November, 2016. The study involved a review of all available studies (a meta-analysis) looking at the link between alcohol consumption and prostate cancer in human studies. Over the years, studies, such as the Harvard Alumni Study, and other studies, […]

Lifestyle changes cut cancer risk | Global Integrative Medicine Academy

Lifestyle Changes Can Dramatically Cut Cancer Incidence

This study was published online in the Journal of the American Medical Association on May 19, 2016, and it showed once again that modest lifestyle changes can cut cancer deaths by about 50%.  The study combined data from the long-running Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professional Follow-up Study, as well as US national cancer […]