Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death when you combine the statistics for men and women. Studies in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggest that 70-90% of colon cancer cases can be prevented through prudent dietary and lifestyle practices. One of the factors that appear to be linked to colon cancer prevention is the optimal intake of calcium from day to day.
In fact, over the past 25 to 30 years, studies have suggested that calcium may confer protection against colorectal cancer. Animal studies have shown this effect, and many population studies (epidemiological studies) have shown a strong correlation between higher calcium intake and lower incidence of colorectal cancer.
What does meta-analysis reveal on calcium intake and colon cancer prevention ?
A meta-analysis published in 2014 in the International Journal of Cancer has provided additional evidence that higher calcium intake, including calcium supplements, is associated with a significant reduction in risk of colorectal cancer. The meta-analysis combined the data from 15 various human studies.
The data showed that for every 300 mg increase in calcium from supplements there was an associated 9% reduction in risk of colorectal cancer and that for every 300 mg increase in total calcium (combination of food and supplements) there was an associated reduction in risk of 8%. This means that a calcium intake of 1200 mg per day, which is what you should be shooting for to optimize bone density and prevent osteoporosis), is also associated with colon cancer prevention by 32-36%. That is a significant reduction in risk. Unfortunately, most people have a calcium intake that is much lower than that (500-800 mg per day).
How does calcium reduce colon cancer risk?

Studies suggest that calcium slows down the rate of cell division of cells that line the colon. When you slow down cell division, cells tend to make fewer genetic mistakes that lead to cancer development. Also, calcium binds to bile acids in the gut, which prevents their conversion into cancer-causing secondary sterols (lithocholic and deoxycholic acids).
So, the take-home message appears to be to ensure that you are getting sufficient calcium-rich foods each day. And if necessary, use a supplement containing additional calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D works with calcium for support but is also linked to colon cancer prevention.
I’ve included a list of healthy, calcium containing foods below, showing that number of milligrams of calcium available in a standard serving size. I think you’ll find it to be a good reference.
I also included the scientific reference below for the meta-analysis study.
Sources of Calcium From Common Healthy Foods
Food | Portion Size | Amount of Calcium (mg) |
Low Fat Yogurt | 1 cup | 415 |
Low Fat Milk (nonfat,1%) | I cup | 300 |
Low Fat Cottage Cheese | ½ cup | 75 |
Sardines with bones | 3 oz | 370 |
Salmon with bones (canned) | 3 oz | 165 |
Processed Tofu with calcium sulfate | 4 oz | 145 |
Canned Shrimp | 3 oz | 100 |
Cooked Lentils | 1 cup | 75 |
Chicken Breast | 3 oz | 10 |
Tuna | 3 oz | 5 |
Collard Greens | ½ cup | 180 |
Spinach | ½ cup | 85 |
Stalk of Broccoli | 1 medium | 70 |
Orange | I medium | 55 |
Green Beans | ½ cup | 30 |
Lettuce | ½ head | 15 |
Orange Juice | ½ cup | 10 |
Apple | 1 medium | 10 |
Whole Wheat Bread | 1 slice | 20 |
Cooked Spaghetti | 1 cup | 15 |
Cooked Rice | ½ cup | 10 |
Apricots, raw, dried | 4-6 halves | 24 |
Dates | 3-4 | 22 |
Figs Canned | 3 | 35 |
Figs Dried | 2 | 56 |
Grapefruit | I medium | 40 |
Prunes, dried raw | 5 | 27 |
Raisins | ¼ cup | 31 |
Raspberries | 2/3 cup | 40 |
Strawberries | 1 cup | 42 |
Roasted Almonds | 1 oz | 80 |
Kale | ½ cup | 47 |
Baked Beans | ½ cup | 78 |
White Beans | ½ cup | 96 |
Dry-roasted soybean nuts | ½ cup | 232 |
- Keum N, Aune D, Greenwood D.C., Ju W, Giovannucci E.L. Calcium intake and colorectal cancer risk: Dose-response meta-analysis of prospective observational studies. International J Cancer (2014) 135 (8): 1940-1948)
Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great!
Dr. James Meschino