A Supplement for Stress Reduction?
We all know that stress has become a significant factor in the increasing number of reported mental health disabilities, and a contributor to various physical health conditions, such as ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and so on. A very intriguing study was published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine in 2012, which showed […]
Combating Burnout Using Rhodiola Rosea extract
In recent times, Rhodiola rosea extract is often highlighted by the researchers to combat burnout issues. We know that burnout is a common problem in society today, and it accounts for an increasing number of disability claims. The increasing demands of our fast-paced life, coupled with multiple responsibilities and demands from various dimensions of our […]
Vitamin D and Omega-3 in Prevention of Depression | Global Integrative Medicine Academy
A number of studies have shown that low vitamin D blood levels are associated with an increased risk of depression. As well, other preliminary studies have shown that omega-3 fat supplementation from fish oil has improved the management of depression when used in conjunction with anti-depressant medications, or in some cases, such as post-partum depression, […]
Fish Oil Supplements for Concussion Recovery | Global Integrative Medicine Academy
Concussion or Traumatic Brain Injury, has become a high profile health condition in recent years, especially since the discovery that trauma to the head can lead to permanent degenerative changes in the brain, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Such condition has further pushed the medical professionals to investigate the treatment of concussion with fish oil supplements. […]
Enhance Efficacy of Antidepressant Medication | Global Integrative Medicine Academy
If you’ve ever suffered from depression or know someone who has, you’ll want to know about a study published in June, 2016, in The American Journal of Psychiatry. In recent years, a number of clinical trials have shown that taking certain supplements in conjunction with antidepressant drugs can actually enhance the efficacy of antidepressant medication […]